FS+ Multiverse Archive

Territorial Divide

AU Summary
The kingdom of Hyrule is a hotspot for a plethora of magical creatures, none more notable than the various shapeshifters that call the kingdom home. Unfortunately, it’s not the fantastical utopia most subjects under the crown would like it to be. A kingdom full of differences means a kingdom plagued by wars for territory and power. The rifts torn between the tribes breed fear and hate, making the world a dangerous place for anyone who dares to step out of the safe havens their ancestors had created for them.
No one knows that better than Green Briarstone, a fae who grew up under the protection of the Lost Woods. He should consider himself lucky to have a respite from the outside world under the veil of the Woods, but he always felt a bit estranged from his home, like something on the outside was calling to him, calling for him to take action. And so he does, venturing out of the Woods and embarking on a journey he never expected to take.He discovers strange phenomena plaguing various regions of the kingdom and along the way meets an even stranger group of comrades who help him get to the bottom of it: Blue, a selkie from an archipelago of the northern sea, Red, a volcanian bandit from Eldin, Vio of the Totori peoples, and Shadow, a cave-dwelling creature from the depths of Hyrule. An unlikely group of friends in a kingdom so spiteful, but little did he know that the Goddesses had always intended for them to meet.

Green Briarstone
Species: Fae
Age: 26
Birthday: January 15th
Zodiac: Capricorn
Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary, He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 95lbs
Occupation: Spirit Guide, Furrier/Tanner
Sage Element: Earth
Magic/Abilities: Shapeshifting (humanoid/mouse), florakinesis, zoolingualism, healing (bodily fluids), Triforce of Courage (sensing when and where he’s needed)
Weaknesses: Fire, ice, dark magic
Territory: Lost Woods, Faron Province
Blue Flockhart
Species: Selkie
Age: 24
Birthday: October 25th
Zodiac: Scorpio
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 200lbs
Occupation: Fisherman, Pillager
Sage Element: Water
Magic/Abilities: Shapeshifting (hylian/seal), hydrokinesis, cryokinesis, Siren’s Song, alluring aura
Weaknesses: Electricity, hot environments, ambush attacks, stolen pelt
Territory: Frjósagardr, Lanayru Sea
Red Duskflower
Species: Volcanian
Age: 21
Birthday: April 5th
Zodiac: Aries
Gender/Pronouns: Demiboy, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 170lbs
Occupation: Bandit
Sage Element: Fire
Magic/Abilities: Shapeshifting (humanoid/salamander), pyrokinesis, geokinesis, ferrokinesis, lava swimming, aquatic respiration, limb regeneration, Triforce of Power (advanced magical control and endurance, “Magma Mode”)
Weaknesses: Ice, electricity, cold environments, dry environments
Territory: Death Mountain, Eldin Province
Jasper "Vio" Rouselle
Species: Totori
Age: 23
Birthday: May 23rd
Zodiac: Gemini
Gender/Pronouns: GNC, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Aromantic, Bisexual
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 180lbs
Occupation: Totori Guard
Sage Element: Wind
Magic/Abilities: Shapeshifting (bipedal/quadrupedal), electrokinesis, aerokinesis, super strength, enhanced eyesight, flight
Weaknesses: Hubris, manipulation, confined spaces, darkness, hemophobia
Territory: Totori Village, Tabantha Province
Sziqiziah (Shadow Delarosa)
Species: Skulltula
Age: 22
Birthday: February 7th
Zodiac: Aquarius
Gender/Pronouns: Transmasculine, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Demisexual, Biromantic
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 98lbs
Occupation: Huntsman, Arrowsmith (Later)
Sage Element: Spirit
Magic/Abilities: Shapeshifting (mainly humanoid/arachne), crystallokinesis, cryokinesis, hypnotism, hexing, voice manipulation, size manipulation, weapon summoning (double-sided scythe), Spider’s Silk
Weaknesses: Fire, light magic, loud noises, bright lights
Territory: Skulltula Caves, Hebra Province

Ballad of the Demon King

AU Summary
For as long as anyone could remember, monsters have been a constant presence in Hyrule. No one knows where they came from, or how to get rid of them, all one can really do is learn how to live with them. For the wealthy, that meant putting up defenses around their city borders, while for those not as fortunate to live within the city walls, it meant learning how to fight.
In a small suburban town in Lanayru, just a short drive from the largest city in the district, a group of identical quadruplets lived. Their names were Green, Blue, Red, and Vio. They grew up with a love for music, and after meeting their friends Shadow and Zelda towards the end of primary school, they had the means of forming a band.By sheer chance, the six of them had acquired a set of matching pendants that they soon discovered housed magical instruments with a wide array of capabilities. With these tools in their arsenal, they were no longer just a band– they had the ability to fight back against the monsters. This gave them new purpose, and a name. Ballad of the Demon King.

Zelda Hendrickson
Age: 21
Birthday: August 28th
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5’5”
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Lesbian
Role: Lead singer, Songwriter
Instrument: Conch Microphone
- “Gut Feelings”: Diluted foresight, passive ability to tell if something will turn out poorly
- Royal Lullaby: Puts listeners to sleep
- Ballad of the Windfish: Wakes listeners up
- Prelude of Light: Causes bright flash of light, can stun enemies and cause vision impairment
- Song of Time: Allows user to travel back and forth between time (Only accessible through the Ocarina of Time, not currently in possession)
Lincoln "Green" Archer Scarborough
Age: 19
Birthday: March 4th
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5’9”
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Gay
Role: Lead guitarist, Backup vocalist
Instrument: Wind Guitar
- Animal Whisperer: Profound connection to animals, increases chances animals will be friendly
- Minuet of Forest: Creates impenetrable force fields until the spell is deactivated
- Deku Palace Promenade: Creates illusion of user wearing Deku Scrub mask, allows user to shoot projectiles from mask
- Wind's Requiem: Allows user to create strong gusts of wind
Evan "Blue" Tyler Scarborough
Age: 19
Birthday: March 4th
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5’8”
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Rhythm guitarist
Instrument: Surf Guitar
- Lightning Reflexes: Can react to certain stimuli at high speeds
- Serenade of Water: Creates whirlpool portals
- New Wave Bossa Nova: Creates blades of water that can be fired at opponents, blades return when fired
- Song of Soaring: Creates wings out of water, enables flight
- Lightning Bolts: Electricity fired out of guitar when ability it active
Cooper "Red" Isaac Scarborough
Age: 19
Birthday: March 4th
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5’8”
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Role: Keyboardist, Soundmixer/DJ
Instrument: Keyboard of Evening Calm
- Eye of Truth: Can see ghosts and illusions are ineffective
- Battle Mode: Keyboard transforms into Keytar
- Song of Healing: Puts listeners into a state of peace, slow acting healing magic (2-30 minutes depending on severity), allows troubled souls to pass to afterlife
- Ballad of the Windfish: Wakes listeners up
- Elegy of Emptiness: Creates phantoms of user to disorient opponents
- Cursed Arrow: Shoots a projectile that inflicts a curse on opponent, deals chip damage over time, curse can be healed with Song of Healing
Sawyer "Vio" Lucas Scarborough
Age: 19
Birthday: March 4th
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5’7”
Gender/Pronouns: Genderqueer, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Bassist, Songwriter
Instrument: Full Moon Bass
- Empath: More in tune with changes in people’s emotions, still effective even through written word
- Song of Storms: Creates a thunderstorm, induces unbearable melancholy feeling onto listeners
- Bolero of Fire: Induces seething rage into listeners
- Nocturne of Shadow: Disorients listener and causes extreme confusion, can cause self injury
- Oath to Order: Reverses any previously active status effects
Shadow Waterson
Age: 20
Birthday: April 15th
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5’11”
Gender/Pronouns: Agender, They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Drummer
Instrument: Thunder Drum
- Earth-like Resilience: Supernatural pain tolerance, increases stamina, reduces effects of psychic damage
- Goron’s Lullaby: Causes earthquakes
- Requiem of Spirit: Causes sandstorms
- Sound Blasts: Can knock opponents off balance and cause hearing damage

Lake Hylia Monster University

AU Summary
Legend has it that in secluded corners of the kingdom of Hyrule there are rifts that lead to another world. Every so often, a strange creature– a monster– will emerge from these rifts and instill fear in the hearts of those who are unfortunate enough to cross its path. Hyruleans don’t know much about these monsters, where exactly they come from, what their intentions are. For centuries, they’d only ever shared stories of these encounters as cautionary tales, then one day their views changed… Well, sort of.
These monsters were the peoples of Lorule, a mirror dimension to their kingdom of Hyrule, and they were people just like them, even if they looked a little funny. As the Hyruleans’ views changed, they decided to start welcoming Loruleans with open arms. The first order of action was the erection of a university for Loruleans right beside the largest landmark in the kingdom, rather insensitively named Lake Hylia Monster University. Slowly, but surely, the student population grew, each individual having their own motives for attending the school.Zelda Evander of Hyrule, seventeen-year-old prodigy studying the art of Sun Magic and next in line for the throne, graduated a year early at the top of her class and was on her way to university. When it came time to decide on her school, much to her parents’ dismay, she’d settled on LHMU, becoming the first and only Hylian attendee. After all, if the princess trusted these monsters enough to attend school with them, then shouldn’t the rest of the kingdom?

Green Nightdew
Species: Lepidothrope (Moth Folk)
Age: 19
Height: 5’5”
Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary, Any pronouns
Sexuality: Demisexual, biromantic
Magic: Producing silk, changing objects’ colors, telekinesis, clothing enchantment, hypnotism
Occupation: Barista [Current], Student Teacher [Future]
Year/Major: Freshman, Fashion Major
Blue Ariti
Species: Soldra
Age: 23
Height: 6’5”
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic
Magic: Pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, thermal vision, storm clouds, dermal armor, levitation, shapeshifting between humanoid and dragon form
Occupation: Waiter
Year/Major: Junior, Culinary Arts Major
Red Campbell
Species: Werewolf
Age: 20
Height: 7’0” (8’5”)
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Magic: Shapeshifting between humanoid and wolf form, enhanced hearing and smell, accelerated healing
Occupation: Cashier (Fast Food) [Current], Actor [Future]
Year/Major: Sophomore, Theater Major
Viostaer "Vio" Schmitz
Species: Luminsprite
Age: 19
Height: 5’8”
Gender/Pronouns: Demiboy, He/Him
Sexuality: Aroace
Magic: Levitation, telekinesis, incorporeal form, appearance manipulation, possession of people and objects, minor cold fire spells, jewelry enchantment
Occupation: Line Cook (Fast Food) [Current], Mechanic [Future]
Year/Major: Freshman, Engineering Major
Shadow Blazethorne
Species: Moon Demon
Age: 22
Height: 4’9”
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Sapphic
Magic: Elemental magic (specializes in fire, ice, and electricity), levitation, illusionary magic, weapon summoning
Occupation: Sales Associate
Year/Major: Junior, History Major

Nylon Strings in Shades of Indigo

AU Summary
Green, Blue, Red, Vio, and Shadow are a group of young adults who met online two years ago, forming a friend group through a screen and bonding over a shared love of video games. The story follows Green and Blue as the latter visits Green's hometown of Hateno, and Green slowly realizes that he's in love with his best friend.

Green Dragovich
Username: grashhoper1804
Age: 23
Birthday: July 3rd
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5’9” (174cm)
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Unlabeled (MLM)
Blue Aveline
Username: mikauslefteye
Age: 24
Birthday: December 18th
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 6’1” (185cm)
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Red Vespertine
Username: XxCrimsonKissxX
Age: 26
Birthday: May 8th
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5’11” (181cm)
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Aroace
Violet Sommer
Username: notyouranimegirl_
Age: 19
Birthday: September 4th
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 6’3” (191cm)
Gender/Pronouns: Transwoman, She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual (T4T)
Connor "Shadow" Florentino
Username: klng.of.shxdows
Age: 24
Birthday: November 15th
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5’3” (160cm)
Gender/Pronouns: Demiboy, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Gay
Zelda "Z"
Username: justalittleloony
Age: 20
Birthday: June 16th
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5’8” (172cm)
Gender/Pronouns: Transmasculine, He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Straight

Dungeon Master

AU Summary
Link is a 14-year-old kid with a rather unusual life. After losing his family, he was left orphaned and living as a vagabond. He spends his time travelling the Kingdom in search of old dungeons and abandoned temples, looking for an item that'll let him travel to another dimension in hopes of breaking a curse that binds him to a spirit living in his shadow, creatively named Shadow.
Early on in his adventure, he ended up getting himself in a sticky situation, resulting in his body splitting into four clones of himself. First believed to be a hinderance, the teen soon realized he and his clones could split apart and fuse back together at will, and he quickly chose to use this unique ability to his advantage on his adventure.

Age: 14
Height: 5’3”
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them (Depends on the day)
- Split into four clones of himself
- Green: Super speed – can run at high speeds for a short amount of time, requires charging up first
- Blue: Super strength – can lift objects many times larger than Link, no recharge time
- Red: Super jumps – can jump in the air many times Link’s height, can jump across large gaps, no recharge time
- Vio: Can conjure up magical shields with high durability, requires recharge time if shield is broken, can be lifted and dispelled as needed if shield isn’t broken
Age: 12
Height: 5’3”
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: Any pronouns
- Teleportation – can only travel to places he’s visited before, works best when used alongside marking checkpoints, best to not use in quick succession
- Magical storage – can carry an infinite number of items inside an interdimensional pocket and summon them at will, used as inventory
- Magical shadow hands
- Can manipulate his physical appearance
Dungeon Items
- Sword
- Lantern
- Bombs
- Bow and arrow (+ fire arrows and ice arrows)
- Fire, ice, sand and tornado rods
- Bug net
- Flippers
- Glass bottles
- Moon pearl
- Mask of Truth
- Stone Mask
- Gibdo Mask